Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
The community surrounding our church is filled with amazing people, beautiful families and at times genuine need. Our church has developed wonderful relationship with schools, families, food banks, and more. Together, we seek to be "salt and light" by meeting the needs of others. Opportunities to serve are many and result in lives that are impacted to the glory of God.

Arlington Food Assistance Center
At 9:30AM on the 1st Saturday of every month we sort, organize and pack food items for our Arlington community. Donation boxes are also available outside the church for your convenience.
DC Homeless Outreach
Come to McPherson Square Park on the 3rd Saturday of any month at 8:30AM and help us share God's love with those in need with clothing, food and prayer.
Glebe Elementary School Outreach
We love to partner with our amazing next-door neighbors to bless kids and families with food, school supplies, holiday meals and at special events like VBS! Contact us to find out how you can help.
Get Involved
Be the hands and feet of Jesus in our local community
We are always thinking of new ways to serve our local community. If you would like to be notified when these opportunities arise, let us know and we will gladly add you to the email list. And if you have any suggestions of your own we would love to hear them!