& Creative

As believers we are all called and compelled by the love of God to worship Him with our whole being, and Worship & Creative at Capital Life exists to offer you opportunities to glorify God in everything that you say and do. That also goes beyond music, art and creativity into the ways that we love and serve one another, and represent our heavenly Father to the world around us–in spirit and in truth.  We love to see creativity, art and technology harnessed, sharpened and used to bring God glory. 

Why We Sing

Worship through music is such a powerful tool to help connect us to the heart of
 God. It changes the atmosphere around us and it activates something in each of us that puts us in a place to receive what God is saying to us — a place of celebration and surrender. That is why at Capital Life worship is a foundation of our regular gatherings.

What we Are singing

Check out these playlists on Apple Music and Spotify
at CapitalLife.org/worship-playlist.

Team resources

Find important links to get involved and stay connected
at CapitalLife.org/wcconnect.

Team Calendar

If you're on our team, find our upcoming events at CapitalLife.org/wc-events.

Getting involved.

Looking for a place to plug in? Our teams are staffed primarily by volunteers like you, and church as we know it couldn’t happen if it wasn’t for a community of people who each contribute what they have to glorify God. We also love to see people grow in their gifts as they serve God.

Contact us and we’ll get you connected, trained and/or auditioned (if applicable), and empowered to serve the Lord at Capital Life Church.  We simply ask that you’ve surrendered your heart to Jesus Christ, and committed yourself to the family of Capital Life Church. We will do our best to assess your skill level and plug you in where you’re needed.

"It’s our prayer that here you’ll fall so much deeper in love with God
that you can’t help but worship through
every day of the week!"

- Pastor Jeff Abyad