Biblical Leadership II

Sep 26, 2021    Dr. Bill Shuler

Philippians 2:5-8
1 Corinthians 4:2
Faithfulness: Maintaining allegiance, constant, loyal, marked by or showing a strong sense of duty or responsibility, Conscientious, Accurate, reliable, exact.
10 Tests of Biblical Leadership:
1. Test of Small Things  Luke 16:10
2. Test of Constancy  Matthew 6:5-6
3. Test of Motives  Luke 12:16-21
4. Test of Dry Times  Deuteronomy 8:15-16
5. Offense Test  1 Samuel 16:7
6. Authority Test  1 Samuel 24:4-20
7. Offense Test  Hebrews 12:14-15
8. Warfare Test  Exodus 13:17
9. Test of Time  Esther 4:14
10. Lordship Test  Luke 5:4-7