The Bible: Life's Guidebook

Jan 29, 2023    Dr. Bill Shuler

1 Corinthians 2:14


Five Attributes of the Bible:

1. Infallible - [Psalm 19:7]

2. Complete

3. Authoritative

4. Effective - [1 Thessalonians 1:5]

5. Determinative - [1 Corinthians 2:9-12]


2 Timothy 3:7

John 17:17b

John 8:31b


What the Word of God gives us:

An understanding of God’s heart board us - [John 3:16]

Victory - [Ephesians 6:17]

Maturity - [1 Peter 2:2]

Power - [Hebrews 4:12]

Guidance - [Psalm 119:105]


How can we be mighty in the Word? 

1. Read the Bible - [Isaiah 28:10]

2. Interpret the Bible

1 Timothy 4:13

2 Timothy 2:15