Parent Update [June 2022]

Happy June 2022, CLC Parents!   Here is what's happening in Family Ministries this month!

Registration Closes Soon.

Start your Summer with VBS.

Good Afternoon, CLC Parents!

June 20-24 9 am - 12 pm we will be hosting a Vacation Bible School!  Check out this short video! Make Waves !!!  Registration goes live on Monday, April 4!!!  You can register from the Church Center App or click on this link! REGISTER
It's the same app that you check-in with on Sunday mornings!  Download it today to streamline how you interact with church happenings!  
Spark Kids Church June 2022
Make Waves: What you do today can change the world around you.
Week One
We Love Because God Loved Us
1 John 4:9-13
Love others because God loves you.
Week Two
The Apostles Are Treated Badly
Acts 5:17-42
Abigail Intervenes
1 Samuel 25:1-35
You can help others make peace.
Week Four
Patience Principle
Proverbs 15:18
"The fruit the Holy Spirit produces is love, joy and peace. It is being patient, kind and good. It is being faithful and gentle and having control of oneself."
Galatians 5:22-23a, NIrV

Resources & Events

Orange Materials for Toddler, Pre-K, and K-5th Grade
The Parent Cue App can be downloaded from within the Capital Life App or you can search for it on your favorite App store!  Refreshed every Sunday morning at 8AM, there are age-specific videos and activities for your Toddler/Preschooler, Elementary: K-3rd Grade, and Pre-Teen: 4th & 5th Grade.  

FUEL/IGNITE Student Ministry Service (6-12th grade)
Sunday Mornings at 11:15 AM 
We meet live in the FUEL/IGNITE Room

FUEL/IGNITE Midweek Bible Studies
HS & MS Girl's Bible Study: Wednesdays w/ Sarah Hollingsworth on Sundays at 6 PM.  
HS & MS Guy's Bible Study: In Atrium on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM w/ Justin Rogers
For more info email 

Vacation Bible School June 20-24 @ Capital Life Church!  Registration Goes Live on Monday, April 4!!!  You can sign up on the Church Center App or look for the link in the email that we are going to send out this weekend!
Fuel/Ignite Summer Camp July 17-22 
Rising 6th Graders Welcoming BBQ Friday June 17th from 5-8pm  Fisher's house at 1511 N McKinley Rd in Arlington.
Fuel & Ignite Family Lunch
Sunday, June 26th after 2nd service, we will be having a  Fuel & Ignite Student/Parent Lunch at Rockland's BBQ after church around 12:30pm. 

Just a Thought

 One thing my Father used to say to say to me growing up is that "we live life one day at a time and we need to make it count".  My dad was a renaissance man and he could work on cars.  He always carried a tool box in his car and when he saw someone on the side of the road he would stop and ask if he could help.  More times than not my dad could coax the vehicle back to life so they could be back on the road.  That in of itself would have been great but my dad had an holy agenda.  He saw this as an opportunity to introduce them to my dad's best friend, Jesus Christ.   How awesome is that?  Remember, we live life one day at a time, so let's make it count!

Love and appreciate each of you and your wonderful families!  See you on Sunday!

Andy Rogers
Family Ministries Pastor



Upcoming Events
