Sermon Recap | Mar. 9, 2025

Use What You Have

Life often presents unexpected challenges that can leave us feeling overwhelmed and questioning God's presence. Through the story of Elisha and a widow facing dire circumstances, we discover powerful truths about how God works in our lives.

What Do We Do When Life Seems Unfair?

The story begins with a widow whose husband, a faithful servant of God, had died. She faced losing her sons to slavery due to debt. Despite her family's faithfulness to God, they encountered severe hardship. This reminds us that following God doesn't exempt us from life's challenges, but it does guarantee His presence through them.

How Does God Use What We Already Have?

When the widow approached Elisha, he asked a crucial question: "What do you have in your house?" She had only a small jar of olive oil - seemingly insignificant, but God would use it miraculously. This teaches us that God often works through what we already possess, rather than what we lack.

Examples of God Using the Ordinary:

- Five loaves and two fish to feed thousands
- David's slingshot to defeat Goliath
- Moses' staff to part the Red Sea

What Role Does Obedience Play in God's Plan?

The widow's immediate obedience to Elisha's instructions was crucial. She gathered empty jars from neighbors and followed his directions precisely. God's miracle continued as long as there were vessels to fill. This demonstrates how our obedience and faith create space for God to work in our lives.

How Does God Want to Work Through Us?

God's blessings aren't meant solely for our benefit - He blesses us so we can bless others. The widow's miracle provided not just for her immediate needs but created abundance she could share. God wants to work through us as His ambassadors, using our experiences and resources to impact others.

Life Application

This week, consider these questions and challenges:
  • What resources or abilities has God already placed in your life that you might be overlooking?
  • Are you limiting God's blessing by thinking too small?
  • How can you be more obedient to God's promptings in your daily life?
Challenge: Identify one "small thing" in your life - a talent, resource, or opportunity - and ask God how He might want to use it to bless others. Then take one specific action to put it into use for His purposes.
Remember: God is able to do "immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine" through the power at work within us (Ephesians 3:20).



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