Posts with the category “prayer-devotion”

Sermon Recap | Sept. 8, 2024
by Dr. Bill Shuler on September 11th, 2024
Understanding our identity is one of the most critical aspects of our lives. It shapes our behavior, worldview, actions, and reactions. This message explores the importance of finding our true identity, both personally and as a nation, and how aligning with God's purpose can transform our lives. Why is Identity Important?Identity forms the foundation of our behavior and worldview. It influences ou...  Read More
Sermon Recap | Sept. 1, 2024
by Dr. Bill Shuler on September 4th, 2024
In today's sermon, we explored the concept of transcending a mere form of godliness to embrace an authentic, powerful faith. This message is particularly relevant in a world where appearances often take precedence over genuine spiritual depth. Let's delve into the key points and lessons from this impactful sermon. What Does the Bible Say About Seasons?Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us that there is a time...  Read More
Sermon Recap | Aug. 25, 2024
by Dr. Bill Shuler on August 29th, 2024
In a world that is constantly evolving, it is essential to hold onto our core values and faith. This week's sermon delved into the story of Daniel and his unwavering commitment to God, even in the face of immense pressure and adversity. Let's explore the key takeaways and how we can apply these lessons to our lives today.The Church Beyond BordersIt's inspiring to see believers in Paraguay passiona...  Read More
Playlists for Prayer and Devotion
by Jeffrey Abyad on April 10th, 2024
On April 14 Pastor Bill begins a series of messages called, "Let us Walk in the Spirit." We've compiled these worship playlists for you to use during your devotional times throughout the series. If you use Spotify or Apple Music, you can also subscribe to our “On Rotation @ Capital Life” playlist so you can listen and worship along with the songs currently being sung in services at Capital Life Ch...  Read More
Day 21: God's Plan & Purpose
by the Capital Life Prayer Team on January 28th, 2024
God has a plan and purpose for our church, city, and nation. We can pray that His agenda and will be established in all of these areas. Matthew 6:10 – “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Isaiah 46:10 – “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.” Psalm 33:10-11-...  Read More
Day 20: Blessing
by the Capital Life Prayer Team on January 27th, 2024
We can pray for our church, city, and nation to prosper and be blessed by the Lord. Today let us ask God to bring fruitfulness in our church, city, and nation. Jeremiah 29:7 – “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” Psalm 33:12 – “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the...  Read More
Day 19: Restoration & Revival
by the Capital Life Prayer Team on January 26th, 2024
Our God is a God of restoration and revival. He can restore and revive places that were broken or out of alignment. He can water the dry places. Pray today for our church, city, and nation to be watered. Psalm 80:7, 18 – “Restore us, God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved. … revive us, and we will call on your name.” Psalm 119:37 – “Turn away my eyes from looking at worthle...  Read More
Day 18: Unity
by the Capital Life Prayer Team on January 25th, 2024
We can pray for God’s people locally, regionally, and nationally to be in unity. We can intercede that the spirit of discord be cast out, so we can be powerfully in agreement for God’s will to be done in our church, city, and nation. 1 Corinthians 1:10 – “I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that the...  Read More
Day 17: Justice
by the Capital Life Prayer Team on January 24th, 2024
We can pray for God’s justice to set things right where things have gone awry. His justice brings joy and graciousness to the righteous, His people. Proverbs 21:15 – “When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.” Amos 5:24 – “But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” Isaiah 30:18 – “Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; t...  Read More
Start a Bible Plan
by Jeffrey Abyad on January 1st, 2024
One of the healthiest habits you can start this new year is to read your Bible, and it's even better doing it with friends. Find a plan that works for you and invite others to join you. You won't regret it. Downloading the YouVersion Bible app on your phone or tablet is one of the easiest ways to access a free account where you can get daily notifications and share a daily comment thread with frie...  Read More



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